Frequently Asked Questions

What does regeneratively-raised mean?

Regeneratively Raised means raising our livestock in a way that promotes the building of soil and soil health without the use of chemical fertilizers or herbicides. Additionally, our management focuses on improving biodiversity and the  water, mineral, and nutrient cycles on the ranch. Our practices include:


  • We utilize temporary electric fencing to keep the herd in smaller paddocks. Depending on forage quality, volume, and water source the herd is moved every 1 - 10 days. This prevents over grazing, allowing the grass to establish deep root systems which promotes soil health. Additionally, by allowing pastures to recover after a short graze period the soil stays covered, protecting the soil from direct sun, compaction, and allows for improved rainfall absorption.
  • We do not use dewormers in our herd. As a result, our cattle’s manure is full of various species of dung beetles and other insects. Dung beetles play a critical role in mineral and nutrient cycling and soil building.
  • We do not use tillage, which is the most destructive agricultural practice for soil health. We utilize a no-till drill for any forage or cover crops that are planted.
  • We do not use herbicides or chemical fertilizers. Weeds are managed by mowing, planting cover crops,  and trying to improve our grazing management.
  • We graze year-round, grazing stockpiled forage in the winter. Allowing grass to reach full maturity results in full root expression below ground, improving soil health.


  • Chicks are in the brooder for the first 2-3 weeks of their life. At 2-3 weeks they are put in mobile coops in the pasture and are moved to a fresh piece of pasture daily. The daily pasture moves spreads out the manure, which is an excellent natural fertilizer that improves soil health. 
  • Our chickens eat a non-gmo, corn free and soy free ration in addition to insects and grasses. While not organic, non-gmo crops are not sprayed nearly as much as gmo crops.

Can't I buy less expensive grass-fed beef at Wal-mart or other major grocery chains?

You certainly can, but you really don’t know what you’re getting. First of all, labeling has become very misleading. Marketers are very adept at misleading customers to make them believe that a product is healthy or was raised in a certain way that it was not. For example, beef labeled as grass-fed may have only been grass-fed 80% of its life and was still finished on grain in a feed-lot. Pasture-raised just requires that the animal be outside for a minimum of 120 days/year, which could just be a confined lot. So, the only sure way to know what you’re buying is to know your farmer/rancher. If the rancher is not willing to let you see the ranch in person, they may very well be hiding something. 

Second, most of the 100% grass-fed and finished beef sold in US grocery stores is imported from other countries. Perhaps it is a few dollars cheaper per pound; however the dollars spent are leaving your community. By supporting local producers the dollars you spend stay in the community and are likely spent at other local businesses. If we export all of our dollars to multinational corporations and foreign producers we bankrupt our local economy and community. Also by supporting local producers, you create resilience in the local food supply, which is critical when there are major supply chain disruptions as seen during COVID-19.

Can I buy a whole, half, or quarter beef?

Yes, but there is limited availability. Please contact us regarding availability and pricing.

What do your cows eat?

Our cows graze a large diversity of primarily native/perennial grasses, legumes, and forbes year round. We do plant some annual forage crops using a no-till drill on sections of the property that are compacted or otherwise degraded. In order to graze year-round we stockpile grass. Stockpiling is the practice of leaving a pasture unharvested during the growing season and then grazing it in the winter when you would otherwise be feeding hay. The average cattle operation in the US (regardless of location) feeds hay for 4-months of the year. Feeding hay is very expensive and energy and equipment intensive. Utilizing stockpiled grass allows us to avoid these high costs and energy usage. However, stockpiled grass is generally too low in protein to meet the nutritional needs of our herd. Therefore, during the months that we are grazing dormant stockpiled grass we supplement a small amount of protein cubes (primarily made from cottonseed meal, which is permitted by the American Grassfed Association). This supplement is just enough to support the microbes in the cow’s rumen so she can efficiently digest the stockpiled forage. For context, a cow will eat 25-30 lbs of stockpiled grass per day and our supplementation rate is about 1 lb/day. We do not feed any corn, wheat, soy, or other grains to fatten or finish our cows. In addition to grass, our cows have free access to:

Sea Salt - Provides essential minerals and trace minerals

Natural Soda (sodium bicarbonate) - Balances rumen pH and helps reduce fly and parasite pressure

Redmond Conditioner (montmorillonite clay) - Binds toxins and heavy metals and provides essential minerals

Apple Cider Vinegar - Aids in the digestion of stemmy and lignified grass and reduces fly and parasite pressure

Organic Icelandic Kelp - Provides trace minerals, supports metabolic and immune function.

What do your chickens eat?

In addition to the grasses, worms, and other insects our chickens eat from the pasture, our chickens eat a non-gmo, corn free, and soy free feed ration. The ration is primarily made from peanut meal and millet.

Is grass-fed & finished beef healthier?

Yes, there are several things that make grass-fed and finished beef healthier.

First, the fat of grass-finished beef is higher in healthy Omega-3’s, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLAs), Vitamin A and E. Additionally, because our cattle eat a large diversity of grasses, legumes and forbes there are higher levels of micronutrients. The saying “you are what you eat, eats” is important to consider. Conventional beef is finished on corn, wheat, soy, etc. laced with chemical residues. The consumption of these grains promote higher concentrations of potentially inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids. Further, most feedlots are dirty, unnatural, and stressful environments that lead to release of stress hormones and promote sickness that is often treated with antibiotics or dewormers.

Second, grass-fed beef is lower in fat and therefore calories. This doesn’t necessarily make it healthier, as healthy fats are a vital component in a balanced diet. Cooking your grass-fed beef in grass-fed beef tallow is a great way to increase the healthy fat content of your beef, if desired.

Last, conventionally raised beef is slaughtered at around 18 months, with the last 3-6 months generally spent in a confined lot. Our grass-fed beef is slaughtered between 24-30 months and never spends time in a confined lot. While the younger age and confinement of conventional beef may result in a more tender product, the tradeoff is a lack of richness and beefy flavor. The older age and lack of confinement results in more connective tissue, which is high in collagen (great for your gut, joints, hair, skin, and nails) and is responsible for a more succulent experience with cuts that are slow-cooked. 

What if the delivery day for my zip code doesn't work with my schedule?

Please send us an email and we will do our best to find a solution. We value your business and will figure out a way to get your order to you!

I am interested in your products, but you don't deliver to my area.

Thank you for your interest in our products! Please send us an email and tell us where you're located and which products you're interested in.

If you're located in Oklahoma, you can always pick up your order from the ranch. If that doesn't work, we can discuss delivery options.

If you're located outside of Oklahoma, we cannot ship or deliver our beef to you as it is processed in a state-inspected facility, and therefore cannot we cannot deliver or ship across state lines. However, you are able to purchase it from us in Oklahoma and transport it back to your home state legally.

If you're located outside of Oklahoma, our chicken is processed in a USDA facility and can be legally be delivered or shipped across state lines. Contact us and we can figure out if delivering or shipping to you is feasible.

Can I visit the ranch?

Yes! We are committed to providing you with full transparency into how your food is produced. That being said, we are spread thin taking care of livestock, maintaining ranch infrastructure, marketing, delivering products, and the list goes on. Therefore, if you are interested in visiting the ranch, please send us an email and we will get a date and time scheduled. We will also give you a window into what is happening on the ranch via Instagram and Facebook posts. If there are aspects of the ranch or topics you would like for us to post about, just reach out and let us know!